Saturday, May 28, 2011

35 Days What?!

As many of you know, after an infection under the skin of my big toe for 6 weeks, I had the toe nail removed. To say it stopped everything in it's tracks was an understatement. The toe started feeling better that first night, believe it or not, but it stopped my half marathon aspirations very quickly. After getting over the initial disappointment of my hard work and training being for "nothing", at least in terms of the goal, I got over it. I needed to get rid of the infection in my toe that two rounds of antibiotics couldn't heal, so if having the nail removed and having to take a break from working out was going to do that, that's what I was going to do. It was so hard to see people running and hearing people talk about their training schedules. I was jealous that I could join them.

Ladies and gentleman, I am happy to report that after 35 days since my last run and 30days since my big toe nail was removed, I ran for the first time!! Derek made me promise to stop the first time I felt pain (if I felt pain) and to stop after a mile, no matter what. I am happy to say there was no pain during the run, and no pain this morning, and that 1 mile was the best mile of my running life!!! I ran a 12 minute mile and loved every single second. I swear I was smiling the whole time. I was watching the distance because it seemed to be flying and I wanted it to slow down so I could keep running! I felt on top of the world! After this post, I'm going to get changed, do day 5 of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, followed by her 6 weeks to a 6 pack abs and following it up with another 1 mile run!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Nike Thighs


And that’s a compliment because they are strong and toned and muscular and though they are unwelcome in the petite section, they are cheered on in marathons.
Fifty years from now I’ll bounce a grandchild on my thunder things and then I’ll go out for a run. 


Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for ...

1. (today) Celebrating 11 months of marriage <3
2. That I've been able to stick with the no candy/soda rule I've imposed on myself.
3. The coach factory sale email I received.
4. Our anniversary trip / weekend away being less then a month away!
5. For time with my sister and her family this weekend.
6. A three day weekend.
7. My friends.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oh, Hump Day

It is officially Hump Day and that means I get to tell you what I'm loving so far this week!

* The nice weather!
* That my SIL and I are getting back into texting :)
* A three day weekend is only two days away.
* That I've been able to keep with my "no candy/soda" plan even with candy/soda around me.
* My sister, BIL, niece and nephew are going to be in town on Saturday.
* That I finally started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. (It was hard, but finally starting it was harder!)
* I love that my toe has healed so much in the last (almost) month. (I don't have to wear a band aid anymore and I think I might try and run (only 1/2 mile) this weekend to see how it goes.)

Always Late

I always seem to be (at least) a day late with these posts. I don't know why....

1. I am addicted to my ipad. D got it for my birthday and it finally came in and I can't get enough!

2. I make to do lists every single day. I like to write my lists in order of the completion. (Whatever I will do first, is the first thing on the list.)

3. Last night D and I went to Seb's with his mom and after dinner we got ice cream. I asked for a vanilla creme in a dish with extra rainbow sprinkles. They didn't give me enough sprinkles and after I had eaten all the sprinkles I was done with the ice cream (about 85% still left). My loving husband went up to the counter and said "My wife is like a kid and I was hoping I could get some more rainbow sprinkles in a dish for her ice cream". I got more rainbow sprinkles and enjoyed the rest of my ice cream!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What I Am

Thankful for:

The new job for my SIL!
My toe healing.
Getting back into a workout routine.
That the sun is out - at least for now.
Our dinner and movie date with H & D on Saturday.
That a long weekend is coming up - I need a little mental health break.
The ability to plan a long weekend away with D to celebrate our 1 year anniversary.
D's Aunt J getting us Red Sox tickets!
Finalizing out house plans and seeing some "action" on the land.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


What I'm loving this week (so far):

(Most Importantly) TODAY IS MY MOM'S BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday Mom. I love you <3

That we've planned a mini anniversary trip! (Less than a month away)
My toe is healing more and more and hurting less and less every day.
I've been able to wear sneakers.
I went to Zumba, and was able to do almost everything.
My chat with my sister this afternoon.
That I'm starting to get back into a workout routine.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One Entire Year

On Saturday May 14, 2011, my amazingly handsome, first ever nephew turned 1. My sister and BIL put on a great party with close family and friends. S, ever the helpful big sister, helped him open cards and presents and showed him how to play with some of his toys. H got his own cake and loved the frosting. The first time he got a bite of cake, he was a little surprised, but loved it too. He started to get tired and after he was all cleaned up, I took him into his room and we rocked and read books until he fell asleep. What a great day end to his 1st birthday - at least for this aunt <3

Here are some pictures of his first birthday:

The cake for everyone. (I'm not a bad froster if I say so myself!) 

Opening presents

Hanging out with Bubba before cake

Ever helpful, S had to show him how to eat his cake

Kelly tried to take the cake from him - he was not having it!

Nice Butt

ROCKSTAR MENTALITY # 12 - Buy a pair of True Religion jeans.

I found a pair I really liked online, bit the bullet (used part of my tax refund) and just ordered them. There was a little buyers remorse as they were kind of expensive. A few days after I placed my order, I got an email saying the jeans were out of stock and my card would not be charged. It was a bitter sweet moment. It was nice to see that money back in my account, but I was sad that I'd finally done it and it didn't work out.

All hope was not lost when another blog I read, posted another blogger's sale. On a whim I checked out the sale and guess what - she was selling True Religion jeans; and at a fraction of the cost. On my birthday, I bought the jeans (and maybe a pair of citizen's too!). When they came in, I fell in love (with both). I love them, finally got a pair of True Religion jeans and at a fraction of the cost. I'd say that's a win, win win(?) situation!

Photo Worthy

ROCKSTAR MENTALITY # 11 - Get a nice camera.

I've been wanting a "real nice" camera for a long time. I've always had a hard time justifying the expense and therefore never really looked into it. Well with my tax return this year, I figured now or never. I did some research online and asked my SIL's sister who's an awesome photographer some advice.

I ended up with the Canon Rebel T2i. Now I just need to sign up for a class to learn all I can about the camera, its features and whatever else they can teach me. I'm secretly hoping that this "real nice" camera gives me some artistic abilities and a better photographer. One can only hope right?!

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday

Triple Tuesday Tangents (triple T's! ha)

1. I love watching the food network. Even if I never cook whatever they're making or would eat whatever they're making.

2. Since I'm closing in on 4 weeks of not running, I find myself staring (Ok, maybe full out staring - you know the kind where you fully turn your head to get a better look/keep staring) at runners I see because I'm jealous. The saying "you want what you can't have" is very appropriate right now.

3. I've been on a Mexican kick right now. In the past month I've eaten at Moe's probably 6 times, Mexicali 2 times and made enchilada's at home.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thursday was two days ago? What?!

Blogger wouldn't let me log in on Thursday to do my Thankful post, and last night I never tried. So this week's "Thankful Thursday" will extend through today ....

What I'm thankful for:

* The ability to wear a sneaker (even if its only in 30 minute increments so far, its still progress)
* Nice weather
* Being such a part of my nephew H's 1st year of life
* Being able to go home for H's 1st birthday party
* My camera arriving
* Dinner and a movie date with H
* Making progress in the exercise department (I've done the 15 minute ab video twice this week, today I'm going to do the ab and circuit training video's and next week I'm going to go to Zumba!)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Oh Hump Day

There are many things I'm loving on this Wednesday ...

* The warm, sunny weather.
* That I ordered my camera.
* That the camera will be here before I go home this weekend.
* There are only 3 more days before H's 1st birthday party!
* My dinner and movie date with Ms. H is getting closer and closer.
* Today was my second day doing my 15 minute standing ab video (Yesterday marked two weeks since I last did any kind of workout. Two weeks ago today, my toe nail was removed. Tomorrow will mark three weeks since my last run.)
* That I was able to wear a sneaker for about 30 minutes for the second day in a row.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday Already?!

Guess that means its time to divulge some details...

1. I wore a sneaker for the first time in 2 weeks. I wore it for about 20-25 minutes with NO pain. Baby steps people, baby steps.

2. I am obsessed with wedding pictures. I love looking at them. Even if I don't know the person.

3. Sometimes I feel like I'm friends with the people who's blogs I read. Even if I've never met them in real life or have any "contact" with them outside their blogs. Derek thinks its weird. Maybe it is?

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Today I am THANKFUL for:

  1. A good visit at the doctors yesterday. My culture came back ok, no antibiotics needed, as did my x-ray and he said everything’s looking good.
  2. Crocks which allow me to wear socks and walk a little more normal.
  3. A better day yesterday (and so far today) pain wise.
  4. Getting all my errands done last night so I can relax after work today
  5. Derek. For a lot of reasons.
  6. A weekend at home with family.


What I’m Loving Wednesday

  1. I love that the pain in my toe from Tuesday is gone and today’s much better.
  2. I love that I was able to find a pair of Crocks. Now I can wear socks (one of my on the left foot, one of Derek’s (so it’s not tight) on the right) and “shoes”.
  3. I love that I now have an option to wear crocks or flip flops.
  4. I love that my new books came in the mail today. I started reading one tonight.
  5. That I was able to check another thing off my 101 list J

Tuesday's Good Stuff

  1. I start to get really nervous when my gas gets around ¼ of a tank. If the gas light actually comes on (only happened twice in the 10+ years I’ve been driving), I will look down at the gauge every few seconds to make sure I’ll be able to make it to the gas station.
  2. I love the instant gratification of shopping at the mall, but love getting packages in the mail too. There’s something exciting about seeing a package waiting for you when you get home.
  3. I am not a big fan of checking voicemails; at work or on my cell phone. I do check them, but for some reason I will put off checking them for a while. Its weird, I know.