Thursday, March 31, 2011


I'm thankful this week is almost over.
I'm thankful I got my long run done yesterday and that it was outside.
I'm thankful for my husband who doesn't mind eating dinner at 730 so I can run after work.
I'm thankful we get to see a house with a similar floor plan to ours this weekend.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I love that my toe is starting to heal and feel better.
I love that I'm half way through my antibiotics.
I love that I got to see my mom two weekends ago, my mom and dad last weekend and get to see my mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew next weekend :)
I love that Tim & Doug's (ice cream shop in my hometown) will be open when I'm home.
I love that I started a list of ideas for triple tangent Tuesday.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Little (un)known facts

1. I can't swallow pills; at all. I still have to ask for chewable/liquid meds at the doctors. Yes I am almost 27 and yes I know its all mental. I still can't do it.

2. I have a horrible gag reflex. I gag getting x-rays at the dentist. You don't even want to know how bad it was when i was getting molds for braces / retainers.

3. Talking about or to my niece/nephews makes me so happy. I just love them to pieces and are amazing little people already.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


This week / today .... 

I’m thankful for being able to see so much of the Callahan family yesterday, even though it was under such sad circumstances.

I’m thankful that I’m going to dinner with H, at our spot, tonight. It’s been way to long since we’ve seen each other and it will be great to catch up.

I’m thankful that this weekend that I don’t have any plans (other then a long run on Saturday). I’m looking forward to a low key weekend where I can catch up on stuff around the house, shows on the DVR and spend quality time with my couch and book!

It's Wednesday

At least for this post :)

I love ...

  • That I was able to support my husband and his family.
  • That despite the cold weather and some flurries, no snow is accumulating (knock on wood)
  • After this weekend, basketball season is officially over in our house!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Drum Roll Please...

Here is this week's randomness...

1. I thought I wanted to go to school far away - Arizona or Colorado. My parents quickly reminded me that going that far away meant not coming home whenever I wanted. The only school I ended up apply to was 2 hours away. It was there I met my husband. Pretty good decision, I'd say :)

2. I never went across the border (Canada - about 10 minutes from my house) drinking in high school. The first time I went to Canada drinking was when I was a junior in college and 21 years old.

3. My favorite 'outfit' is jeans, t-shirt/sweatshirt. I love to be comfortable. I'm convinced I'd be 10x more productive at work if I could wear this kind of outfit. (It would be nice to switch the jeans for yoga pants once in a while.)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Believe ...


Saturday was the Division I boy basketball championship game between Rice and Rutland. It was an intense game, but I am happy to report that Rice Memorial High School is the boys Division I State Champions!!!

Here are some pictures from the game and celebration afterwards

 And these picture are from the Burlington Free Press website (by Shane Bufano):

And its gone

WOE IS ME #65 - Eliminate credit card debt.

On Saturday morning once I saw my paycheck had arrived, I promptly headed over to Bank of America website and made my final credit card payment! The debt I've been carrying around since college is finally gone.

I have to say, I thought hitting the "pay" button would be more symbolic, that I'd feel better about it or be more excited about it. It was pretty uneventful. No cheering, no jumping around no nothing. I haven't even brought out my present for paying it off - a coach purse. We've had a busy, crazy and emotional weekend so maybe once things settle down, the awesomeness of my accomplishment will hit me.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blessed & Thankful

Things I’m thankful for today and everyday.

  1. A warm roof over my head.
  2. A good job.
  3. A reliable car that I can afford to put gas in.
  4. Never wondering when or where my next meal is coming or coming from.
  5. My family and friends.

And something I’ve been thankful for this week especially….

Red Bull.

A day late and a dollar short

Without further adue (sp?) –

  1. I love that D’s team won their semi-finals game and they are in the finals!
  2. I love that my mom is coming up this weekend. We'll get to hang out and she’s coming to the game on Saturday.
  3. I love that I’m going home in a few weeks and my dad and I came up with some awesome plans J
  4. I love that somewhere, somehow, I’ve become one of those people who can get through a workout even when they have no energy/desire/motivation. I think this is really going to help me during the marathon.
  5. That my brothers  (possibly) spending the summer in California. (I'm hoping I'll be able to plan a long weekend to visit him since he'll be 15 minutes from the beach!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Hump Day

I’m loving a lot of things today … here are some of them.

  1. It was above freezing and not snowing, when I drove to work this morning.
  2. My new book, Tick Tock by James Patterson.
  3. I’m loving that my husband woke up this morning as I was getting up to tell me to be careful driving to work this morning because he woke up during the night to freezing rain.
  4. My awesome friend surprising me with these tasty treats on Monday morning (Yes, there are still some left and I’ve been sharing!) Thanks K!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Things You Didn't Think You Wanted to Know...

Here's this week's round of interesting facts:

1. I usually think of things for this post as I'm falling asleep.
2. Perpetual complainers (the ones that never have anything good happen to them / in their lives / just like to complain) drive me crazy.
3. I am addicted to solitaire on my phone. D says I have a problem and he's worried about me!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Married Life

1} When was your wedding day?
June 26, 2010

2) What day of the week was it?

3) Did you get married in a church?

4) How many in your wedding party?
19 (1 MOH, 1 Best Man, 7 Bridesmaids, 7 Groomsmen, 2 Ushers, 1 Flower Girl

5) Where was your reception?
Burlington Country Club.

6) How many guests were invited to your wedding?
210 I think.

7) How long did you wait to Tie The Knot after your proposal?
15 months

8) Who did you hire as your photographer & videographer?
Andy Duback (
Scott Waterman (can't remember his company)
And Juliana took pictures of us getting ready / details / cutting the cake and pictures throughout the day

9) Did you have a DJ or a band?
DJ - Super Sounds

10) Did your father walk you down the aisle?

11) What color were the bridesmaid dresses & groomsmen vests?

12) Who was your Maid Of Honor/Best Man?
My sister O and Derek's brother L

13) Did you have a Bridal Shower?
Yes. My ladies put on an awesome shower.

14) What type of limo did you get?
I think it was an SUV type.

15) Where did you go for your Bachelorette/Bachelor Party?
Bachelorette was Burlington
Bachelor Party was New Orleans

16) What type of wedding gown/tux did you two wear?
My dress was from J Crew and Derek had a black pin strip suit with a white shirt/vest and green tie.

7) How was the weather?
It rained that morning so it was kind of dark and cool.

18) Where did you go on your Honeymoon?

19) What was your favorite part of your wedding day?
The entire day was amazing. It was everything we could have imagined and more and spending it with family and friends was perfect.

21) What was the worst part of your wedding day?
I guess the rain. It was on and off all morning / early afternoon. It stopped while we were taking pictures, rained again just before the ceremony and stopped again for the ceremony and the rest of the night.

20) How long have you been married?
Almost 9 months


38 questions

1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
My car - probably because its the most expensive and I think about all the things I could do with that money instead! haha
2. Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner?
Really romantic - probably our honeymoon in the Bahamas. Our preferred 'romantic', 3 Tomatoes!
3. What do you really want to be doing right now?
Shopping - with someone else footing the bill or going on vacation.

4. How many colleges did you attend?

5. Why did you choose the shirt that you have on right now?
Rice Basketball hoodie, because it was on the ground with the yoga pants I put on when I got home.

6. What are your thoughts on gas prices?
They are what they are.
7. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?
Damn it, I forgot to turn off the alarm again!

8. Last thought before going to sleep last night?
I don't recall.

9. Do you miss being a child?
I miss certain things about childhood (no responsibilities or bills and awesome toys ect)

10. What errand/chore do you despise?
Cleaning the bathroom or sweeping.
11. Get up early or sleep in?
It all depends, but we don't usually "sleep in" late, we're usually up by 8 or 9 on the weekends.
12. Have you found real love yet?
Yes I have
13. Favorite lunch meat?
I don't really care for sandwiches, I have to be in the mood for them and then its whatever I'm craving.
14. What do you get every time you go into Wal-Mart?
Random things I don't really need.
15. Beach or lake?
There are beaches at lakes. Ocean or lake maybe? Ocean - it usually means you're on vacation and some place nice!
16. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual?
17. Sopranos or Desperate Housewives?

18.What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
Bethany Frankel
19. Have you ever crashed your vehicle?
The one I currently have - no. Ever crashed a vehicle - yes, but not to bad.

20. Ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose?
No. I've never used a fire extinguisher ever.

21. Ring tone?
A blackberry one....
22. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth?
I can't think of anything for this one.
23. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go?
Hollywood / LA / Beverly Hills.

23. Do you go to church?

24. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship?
25. How old are you?

26. Do you have a go to person?
27. Are you where you want to be in life?
Yes I am. I've very happy and content.
28. Growing up, what were your favorite cartoons?
We didn't really watch many cartoons and I didn't have a favorite.
29. What about you do you think has changed the most?
My attitude. I care less about "fitting in" or being part of certain crowds/cliques or about what people think about me.

30. Looking back at high school were they the best years of your life?
No. I was no a big fan of high school at all.
32. Did you ever own troll dolls?
You better believe it!

33. Did you have a pager?
No! haha
34. Where was the hang out spot when you were a teenager?
Friends houses?!
35. Were you the type of kid you would want your children to hang out with?
36.Who do you think impacted your life the most?
My parents.
37. Was there a teacher or authority figure that stood out for you?
I remember certain teachers I've had but not because they had some huge impact on my life, but because their classes were fun.
38. Do you tell stories that start with “when I was your age..."?

Mr & Mrs

How long have you been married? Almost 9 months

How long have you been together? It will be 6 years in June

Where did you go on your first date? Derek will be embarrassed about this, but he came over to my apartment to watch a Red Sox game. During the rain delay we went to Wendy's for dinner.

Where did you go on your last date? Three Tomatoes for his birthday dinner!

What's your anniversary date? Dating - 6/1/05, Married - 6/26/10

Where were you married? Burlington Country Club

What was your best/favorite wedding gift and from whom? That we were able to share the day with so many of our family members and friends.

Where did you honeymoon? The Bahamas (Sandals Royal Bahamian)

What food do you like now because of your spouse? I don't think I like anything 'new', but I do eat a lot more veggies and am becoming a little more adventurous at trying new foods.

What type of music do you like now because of your spouse? Probably country. I kind of liked it before, but now I like a lot more of it.

What movie or television program do you like now because of your spouse? I don't know if I can say I "like" it, but I watch a lot more sports related programing because of him. I don't hate it all.

Favorite PG-13 thing you like doing together? We like to lay in bed, watch TV, read, play on the computer, catch up. This is something we do just about every night and its my favorite part of the day <3

Last gift you bought your spouse? An iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts.

Last gift your spouse bought you? He renewed my subscription to US Weekly :)

Favorite thing about your spouse? He is my best friend, I don't have one favorite thing about him. I love (just about) everything!

Random Boredness Pt 1

So I'm home alone and bored - a dangerous combination for blogging. I found some random survey's and such online and though I'd fill them out on here. I appologize for boring you all to tears.

1. When was your "engagement" anniversary: March 18, 2009

2. When is your "marriage" anniversary: June 26, 2010

3. How long have you known your spouse: Almost 6 years

4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged: 3 years and 9 months

5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time: A class we had together at Champlain College.

6. What is your spouses full name: Derek Peter Trono

7. Do you have any children yet: No

8. How many:  0

9. Do you have any house pets: No

10. Do you own a house or rent: I guess renting. We're building a house as soon as all this snow melts.

11. Do you live in the country or town/city: City

12. What is one of your favorite activities together: Date nights (dinner & a movie)

13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot: Florida is our "spot" (Its where we got engaged)

14. How many siblings (including in-laws): We have 8 (I have a sister, her husband, my brother, D has three bothers and two of them have wives)

15. What church do you attend: We don't attend church with any regularity.

16. Is this the church you were married in: We weren't married in a church

17. What town is your current address: Burlington, VT

18. Do you work or stay at home: We both work

19. Where did you honeymoon: Bahamas

20: Leave a piece of marriage advice: We haven't been married long enough for me to start giving out "marriage advice."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Double T

This week / today I am thankful for:

1. A great time at dinner with family tonight.
2. Having a good workout today.
3. Tomorrow finally being Friday!
4. More responsibility at work.
5. My amazing husband <3

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's Wednesday

What I’m loving today:

  1. As much as this basketball season has gone by fast, in a week and half, the season and playoffs will officially be over and I can have my husband back.
  2. That I did my first “speed” run yesterday and knocked (almost) two minutes of time and it wasn’t as bad / hard as I thought it would be.
  3. The songs “Pretty Girl Rock” by Keri Hilson and “Price Tag” by Jessie J (ft B.O.B)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This weeks random facts:

1. I hate the feeling of sweat dripping down my back / stomach. It totally grosses me out.
2. Until my parents signed me up as part of a family relay team in 2007, I hadn't run .... almost ever.
3. I'm afraid to set big goals for myself, and give them 100%, because I'm afraid to fail.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


On Saturday (yesterday) we went to L & G's for a get together since R & B were home for the first time since our wedding in June. They got to meet little P for the first time too! Here are some pictures (all taken from G at Life on the Terrace)

Thursday, March 3, 2011


ON THE ROAD AGAIN # 30 – Go to Arizona.

My parents, niece S and I spent a week visiting my grandparents in Arizona. We flew of out cold, snowy Manchester, NH on Tuesday February 22nd and landed in warm, sunny Arizona later that day.
Wednesday, our first full day there, my mom and I went for a run in the morning and we all sat around my grandparents pool (which is not heated and way to cold to get in) talking, catching up and enjoying the sun. Which was apparently warmer then I thought and without sunscreen on, I proceeded to get burnt!
After we got up on Thursday, my mom, dad, niece, nana and I drove to Tucson to visit my Aunt K (mom’s sister), her daughter (my cousin) LA and LA’s two kids. LA and I went shopping then out to dinner and ‘bar hopping’ with some of her friends.
Friday morning, LA and I took S and her two kids to a near by park and then to BTO Yogurt (AMAZING!). Then we were off to meet my grandparents and dad in a strip mall (with a Gap outlet – score) to head back to Queen Creek (about 45 minutes outside Phoenix).  My mom, dad, nana and I made sure to keep my Gramps up so he could get his birthday surprise. Around 10:30pm the doorbell rings and after a few minutes of trying to figure out who was at the door before he opened it, and found my Uncle T, Aunt S and brother on the other side. They had flown in from South Carolina and Colorado, respectively to surprise him for the weekend as an early birthday present. After everyone said hello and Gramps got all caught up on the surprise and how we made it happen, everyone went to bed.
Saturday morning my mom and I went for another run, then the guys (my dad, Uncle T, brother and Gramps) went to a spring training game and the ladies (Nana, Aunt S, mom, S and I went to the Phoenix Zoo and then to the airport for dinner and drinks while we waited for my Uncle S’s plane to arrive. (He was also supposed to fly in on Friday night with everyone else, but due to nasty weather in VT, he had to drive to Manchester on Saturday in order to get a flight out.) After he landed we headed back to Queen Creek and spent the rest of the night hanging out and catching up.
On Sunday the boys spent the day helping my grandparents with things around the house while the ladies took S to an indoor amusement play place. There was an Arby’s in the same plaza as this play place and because I love my husband so much, I went over and asked if I could get some of their bbq sauce to take home to him. The store manager gave me enough packets of sauce to fill two medium Ziploc freezer bags. I have one very happy husband!! After S had her fill of the play place, we went in search of an ice cream treat and ended up having some gelato (a first for all of us) and it was quite tasty! My brother, who’s in culinary school, made dinner for everyone, chicken cordon blue, twice baked potatoes and broccoli and it was sooooo good!
Monday my brother and I went for a run in the morning, and then he and my Aunt S had to head back to Colorado so we said our good byes. After that, with it being out last full day, we spent it lying out by the pool, soaking up the sun and relaxing. Later on in the afternoon my mom, dad and I took S to the heated pool so she could go swimming. She was freezing cold, but wouldn’t get out of the water! She had so much fun jumping and swimming. We said our goodbyes to Uncle S as he had a very early morning flight the next day.
Tuesday morning we finished packing up and my grandparents drove Uncle T, mom, dad, S and I to the airport. We had a pretty easy flight, S slept for most of it, and the 3 hour drive from Manchester to Derby was good. I crashed as soon as we got to my parents and slept so good!
Wednesday morning I got up and drove back to Burlington and spent the day hanging out with D, unpacking, doing laundry and getting caught up on everything. We had such an amazing vacation. The weather was great, we got to spend time with so much family and it was good to get out of dodge, unwind and recharge. 

Here are a few pictures from the trip:

S at the park

S, Great Gramps & the peanuts

Birthday Boys 

Nana, Mom & S 

The 6 that started it all
(Uncle T, Dad, Uncle S, Aunt S, Gramps & Nana)

The most amazing grandparents in the world
I love you both!

M's chicken cordon blue (SO GOOD)

Dad & I (photo courtesy of S)

P, S & I at the park

LA & I

LA, her friends & I at the bar

All Things Loved - February

Here's a lits of the things I loved this month:

Jackie Warner workout video
I purchased a few of her video's a while back on Amazon to work on strength training. After doing her 'Xtreme Time Saver Training' video in January I started her 'Power Circut Training' video this month. Let me tell you, its a tough workout and you will work up a good sweat. Even though you only do each sequence for one minute it's a long minute and the power burn  (20 seconds of each sequence one after the other) will have you ready to quit! Despite all that, the 40 minutes goes by so fast.

"Jackie maximizes results by working every muscle to its absolute limit (“eventually the muscle will go numb, keep working!”). Each body-part-specific segment features three exercises that are repeated three times. The three exercises work the muscles in different ways; the three sets of repetitions let you progressively increase the intensity. The sequence always ends with a “power circuit” — a faster-paced, linked-together set of the earlier moves."

Food (Molton Hot Wing potato chips / 'Mini Mini Reces' / Carmel Cadbury Eggs)
The chips and mini reces are two things I just recently discovered and it has been love at first bite. I haven't been able to get enough of either and anytime I have a bag of them, it hasn't lasted more then a few days! The carmel Cadbuy Eggs aren't something new, just not something I had been able to find and have been hunting for. My friend K found them and bought them for me last Friday. I won't even tell you how many of the 12 (mini) eggs I ate on Friday!


Warm & Sunny Weather

It was so nice to get away from the cold and snow and spend a week in warm sunny Arizona.  It’s amazing what a few days of nice weather can do to recharge your batteries. Even though it was really hard to come back to the less than desirable Vermont weather, I know the end is in sight and the nicer weather is just around the corner.

Or more specifically, time with my family. I am so happy my parents let me tag along on the vacation they planned and be part of the surprise for my grandparents. I didn’t realize how much I needed quality time with my family. Especially with the ones I don’t get to see very often. Without knowing it, this trip and time with family, was just what the doctor ordred!


This week I’m thankful for –

  1. Our safe travel back.
  2. That my SIL and BIL are coming to VT tomorrow!
  3. New responsibilities at work (that will hopefully keep me busier).


What I love this week -

  1. I got to see D for the first time in 9 days!
  2. My sun burn has sort of turned into a tan.
  3. I got to spend so much time with family over the last 9 days.

Triple Tangent

  1. I am not a morning person. It takes me a while to ‘wake up’ and become a ‘functioning person’.
  2. I can’t get up the first time the alarm goes off. Which it’s set about 20 minutes earlier then necessary and on the other side of the room.
  3. I don’t drink coffee. It’s a taste I haven’t acquired yet I guess.